Nishi­ma Ka­plan’s Art Ke­tubah has a great di­ver­si­ty of ke­tubahs to choose from. There are many cat­e­gories that are sure to in­clude what­ev­er style you’re look­ing for. The ke­tubahs fea­tured range from prints of geo­met­ric de­signs, ce­les­tials, or land­scape themes to hand­made ke­tubahs by the artist fea­tur­ing many dif­fer­ent media.

Though the site is not quite mod­ern, the great se­lec­tion and dis­tinc­tive art style make up for it. They of­fer plen­ty of text op­tions in­clud­ing those for in­ter­faith mar­riages and mar­riages of two brides or two grooms. For an ex­tra fee you can even cus­tomize your text. It costs fif­teen dol­lars to or­der a sam­ple (the cost of the first sam­ple goes to­wards your ke­tubah pur­chase) so it pays to re­al­ly nar­row down your se­lec­tion ahead of time.

Hei­di and I are al­ways look­ing to find di­ver­si­ty in de­sign. Art Ke­tubah to­tal­ly sat­is­fied our de­sire for di­ver­ersi­ty. The site fea­tures geo­met­ric de­signs, na­ture scenes, and even work in­spired by many mod­ern artists in­clud­ing a per­son­al fa­vorite, Gus­tav Klimt! The tes­ti­mo­ni­als all seem to fea­ture hap­py cus­tomers. Art Ke­tubah has even been fea­tured pos­i­tive­ly in quite a few Jew­ish pub­li­ca­tions around the country!

The site is a bit klunky and does­nt nec­es­sar­i­ly pro­vide a lot of in­for­ma­tion to help users de­ter­mine what kind of ke­tubah is best for them, but if you al­ready know what you want Art Ke­tubah is a great place to start your search for the per­fect ke­tubah for you and your beloved.