Ur­ban Col­lec­tive are clas­sic style ke­tubot cre­at­ed by sis­ters Jen­nifer Raich­man & Wendy Hahn. Their com­mit­ment to sim­ple and time­less de­sign is ap­par­ent in their beau­ti­ful and or­gan­ic ke­tubot. We re­al­ly en­joyed go­ing through their page, it is ev­i­dent that they put thought and time in­to cre­at­ing a web­site to re­flect the style and de­sign of their ke­tubot! As well as the oth­er wed­ding prod­ucts they sell, such as in­vi­ta­tions, chup­pahs and more.

Their web­site is more in the style of an in­for­ma­tive blog about their busi­ness and ke­tubot. It was­n’t easy to find where to pur­chase their art­work un­til we ar­rived at their Et­sy site. Noah and I both agreed how­ev­er, that it would have been nice to see every­thing all on one page. We un­der­stand though that it’s not al­ways prac­ti­cal for small­er artists and some­times it’s eas­i­er to use a web­site like Et­sy for their sales.

Some of the down­sides of their site is the lack of in­for­ma­tion and a way to go about hav­ing easy and smooth in­ter­ac­tion. Some of the most im­por­tant steps in buy­ing a Ke­tubah, such as per­son­al­iza­tion and price de­tails, are not list­ed. As well their cus­tomer ser­vice and re­sponse time is quite poor. Or­der­ing a Ke­tubah is so im­por­tant, and with all the steps and small de­tails in­volved, it is es­sen­tial to find an artist that is will­ing to go above and be­yond, as well as an­swer any ques­tion you have with clar­i­ty. Un­for­tu­nate­ly Ur­ban Col­lec­tive miss­es the mark of this very im­por­tant part of their business.

And one fea­ture that we ab­solute­ly loved? Their book cloth style ke­tubot! Made with Ital­ian back­cloth pa­per and archival links, this ke­tubah gives the over­all feel of a clas­sic “good book”. Their oth­er ke­tubot are made with the pa­per-cut style and the stan­dard cot­ton pa­per. No mat­ter what the ma­te­r­i­al is, their ke­tubot are cre­at­ed with a fresh aes­thet­ic that can re­main a time­less piece for many years to come!