There are many Ke­tubot Artist out there, but few that take the time to ac­tu­al­ly write out the text. The area of tran­scrib­ing the Torah is left to the Sofer­im סופר סת”ם and un­less you are look­ing for a Git­tin, you prob­a­bly nev­er think about these art­ful mas­ters. But their val­ue is not lost on Noah and me, we love cal­lig­ra­phy, and hand­writ­ten Ke­tubot give you the feel­ing of en­chant­ment and mys­tery. Ariela Hous­man takes on the job of scribe and could pos­si­bly make any Ke­tubah have that fi­nal touch that makes it perfect.

The Ke­tubot on her web­site, al­though beau­ti­ful­ly paint­ed, fall in line with the ma­jor­i­ty of what is out there, main­tain­ing the same themes, and ideas we have been see­ing for many years. Take a tour of her site, and once you have the Ke­tubah of your dreams in mind, shoot her an email, and ask her to do the calligraphy!


What a way to fin­ish up your Ketubah!