Based in Tel Aviv, Masha Man­apov was dri­ven to cre­ate Ke­tubahs out of a need for “orig­i­nal high-qual­i­ty Jew­ish decor prod­ucts with a fresh per­spec­tive”. Her beau­ti­ful col­lec­tion of Ke­tubot are def­i­nite­ly a tes­ta­ment to not on­ly her time and ded­i­ca­tion, but her artis­tic skill and de­vo­tion as well. With a back­ground in de­sign and il­lus­trat­ing, her funky and col­or­ful shop, Dvash De­sign, was born!

With the hours Noah and I spend look­ing at var­i­ous Ke­tubah web­sites, I have to say that first im­pres­sions tru­ly are every­thing. Noah and I both loved that Dvash De­sign’s web­site matched the feel and look of their Ke­tubahs — min­i­mal­ist and mod­ern. Al­though they did­n’t have tons of de­signs to choose from, their were var­i­ous pho­tos and col­or op­tions to get a great idea of what the de­sign looks like. They seem to be very flex­i­ble with their text and de­sign op­tions, but their web­site did­n’t re­al­ly an­swer many com­mon first time buy­er ques­tions (the dif­fer­ence be­tween the text op­tions, cost dif­fer­ences, per­son­al­iza­tion, etc.).

Among the large va­ri­ety of Ke­tubahs out there, Dvash tru­ly is one of the bet­ter artists out there that have stood out. Cou­ples look­ing for some­thing col­or­ful and funky, we def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend check­ing out Dvash Designs!