Brace your­self for some­thing dif­fer­ent! Chica­go-based graph­ic de­sign­er Ja­son Pick­le­man cre­at­ed Cool Ke­tubah with a sim­ple catch­phrase: “not your grand­moth­er’s ke­tubah.” I hap­pened to like these de­signs a whole lot more than Hei­di, but I’ve al­ways had a soft-spot for graph­ic de­sign. Light on graph­ics and heavy on bold fonts, these Ke­tubot are a bold de­c­la­ra­tion of love and com­mit­ment, as if made by your own per­son­al de­sign firm!

We’re not sure if the artist was al­ways cool or on­ly re­cent­ly be­came cool when he start­ed mak­ing bold de­signs, but the web­site is sim­ple, easy to use, and re­al­ly brings out the de­sign el­e­ments in the Ke­tubot. The flip side is that with on­ly 8 de­signs to choose from, we could­n’t help but feel a lit­tle sti­fled– mod­ern art can feel aus­tere, but the de­signs kind of felt in­com­plete with­out more variety.

Cool Ke­tubah al­so has an­oth­er catch when it comes to lan­guage: There is no He­brew avail­able. Even for a cou­ple as lib­er­al as Hei­di and I, we still want­ed some­thing tra­di­tion­al, even if the text it­self was pro­gres­sive. For us, hav­ing He­brew served that pur­pose, but we can un­der­stand how some cou­ples would on­ly want to sign a con­tract they can read!