Boast­ing a beau­ti­ful store­front on ex­clu­sive King David street in Jerusalem and ‘Il­lu­mi­na­tion Style’ Ke­tubot in the most tra­di­tion­al sense, the Chazin fam­i­ly and cre­ates and sells Jew­ish art on parch­ment for all sorts of oc­ca­sions. From Ke­tubot to Megillahs (for Purim!) and oth­er Ju­daica needs, these Ke­tubot will ap­peal to on­ly the most re­li­gious of our visitors.

Ar­tis­ti­cal­ly, Art Chazin’s Ke­tubot are unique be­cause of their cus­tomiz­able op­tions, such as gold-leaf­ing of their de­signs, ad­di­tion­al lay­ers of acrylic to paint, and em­bossed He­brew Let­ters (there is no Eng­lish op­tion any­where to be found!). Since each Ke­tubah is hand-mand, they al­so have a ser­vice to hand-cut and burn the parch­ment, giv­ing a tru­ly tra­di­tion­al feel…maybe for those in­ter­est­ed in a Tal­mud-themed wedding!

The Noah and I felt the web­site had to get a low score be­cause de­spite the op­tions, there was no easy-to-use or­der form, and the prices for all of the ‘ex­tras’ were not pub­lished any­where on the site. So al­though the base price for the Ke­tubah is around $275, ship­ping from Is­rael plus gold leaf­ing could leave your wed­ding ac­count empty!

Note: Al­though Art Chazin on­ly pro­vides Or­tho­dox text, we in­clud­ed this re­view be­cause of their un­usu­al cus­tomiza­tion op­tions. Hope­ful­ly, you can use this as a guide to work­ing with a great artist on a Ke­tubah you will love (no mat­ter who you love!)