An­na of A Stu­dio has been cre­at­ing art her whole life, how­ev­er she did­n’t start cre­at­ing ke­tubot and Ju­daica style art work un­til she met her hus­band and cre­at­ed a ke­tubot for her own wed­ding. Af­ter that she start­ed de­sign­ing ke­tubot for friends and fam­i­ly. Now she has a col­lec­tion on her web­site, A Stu­dio where she sells and com­mis­sions ketubot.

Noah and I loved the lay­out of her web­site and the graph­ics she us­es. Sad­ly enough she does­n’t have a huge se­lec­tion, how­ev­er that seems to be the stan­dard for small­er artists who are per­son­al­ly sell­ing their work. An­na in­cludes a lot of help­ful and im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion on her page — FAQ’s, what the or­der­ing process en­tails and an easy-to-view list of her text options.

Her col­lec­tion of ke­tubot are what An­na de­scribes as “whim­si­cal with an ur­ban twist”, and we hap­pen to agree! Not on­ly does she love cre­at­ing cus­tom ke­tubot, but she al­so makes wed­ding in­vi­ta­tions. Most of her ke­tubot are com­prised of na­ture themes such as trees and flow­ers, and cou­ples. She ab­solute­ly cap­tures the sa­cred­ness of this clas­sic tra­di­tion, while per­fect­ly in­te­grat­ing her own unique con­tem­po­rary art style.